Saturday, April 20, 2013

7. The greatest achievement of genetics

April 20, Barcelona vacation
Please ignore text formatting: I'm not very comfortable with tablets .

 Genetic has many issues that I can ridicule, like multiple names for a gene.

Look at their 3-letter "byte" they call "codon" which codes 20 amino acids. AAs are execution state commands that go straight to processing to our internal "CPUs", thus being kind of hardware-side units from our software point of view, and for now not that interesting, at least for a while.

There is a fishy thing about this: different codons can generate the same AA. If I knew this fact before I started my journey to genetic, I would have to explain this experimental fact somehow.

Luckily for me my abstract approach came first, so I did not have this boundaries which would limit my imagination. So I would rather assume that they simply have not considered 4-letter commands (a perfect 8-bit byte) which would generate 256 possible combinations. This fantasy requires more thinking later...

 But, besides unprecedented, tremendous efforts on sequencing different genomes, modern genetic has one ultimate, unparalleled achievement:

They made all genetic databases public and free to access.

This gave amateurs like me the ability to explore their cumulative knowledge from any angle, the angle they couldn't possibly predict.

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